Story from:
The Nationals Newspaper
19 Oct 2023
China is a huge and complex market, and it is important that exporters understand that it is not just about being export-ready, but China-ready.
What is Pacific Trade Invest (PTT) and is mission?
Mato: The Pacific Trade lnvest China is an agency of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) mandated by Pacific Islands Forum Leaders to facilitate and promote trade and investment opportunities between the 16 Forum Island Countries and China. PT China is part of a global network of Pacific trade promotional offices located in Australia, Europe, Japan, New Zealand and of course China-and the goal is to create opportunities for the economic prosperity, sustainability and livelihoods of people and communities in the Blue Pacific in line with the Pacific Leaders' Vision. PTI China is based in Beijing and was opened in 2002.
What is your view about this PNG-Asia Investment Conference happening now?
Mato: The conference has been timely as China now fully reopens its borders and business momentum during this post epidemic era. It was great to have a host of key government ministries and agencies, industry organisations, landowner representatives and provincial leaders all congregate into one room to showcase PNG's offerings to potential investors and businesses in Asia.
It was encouraging to see a whole-of-government approach to the reforms of investment regulations, reviews of investment policies and incentives that promotes strong investments into the country and streamlines the processes of doing business in PNG as the country forecasts strong growth in investment opportunities in the very near future.
The testimonies of success stories shared by existing investors in the margins of the conference, some that have remained in PNG for over 100 years have been impactful and is a testament to PNG'S evolving reforms by government to support foreign investment and evident of the strong partnerships with investors.
In PNG specific, what are some of the projects, programme trade relations your office is heading at the moment?
Market Access and Import Standards
For over three years now, PTI China has provided support to PNG'S National Fisheries Authority in the Ministry's work to support PNG exporters and entities to meet the requirements of import standards and regulations in China. This role included facilitation of protocols documents, quarantine and health certification and registration processes with China's quarantine services GACC to meet import standards. We are pleased to offer this in market support to NFA and PNG fisheries achieve access into the Chinese market. Earlier this year, PTI China advanced this facilitation role to include agricultural products where we cooperated with PNG's Coffee Industry Corporation (CIC) and the Cocoa Board. This work involved ensuring relevant documentation processes were completed to meet all import standards and protocols. With this facilitation role by PTI China, PNG exporters were granted market access by GACC (General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China) and are now able to formally export their coffee and cocoa beans to China, a milestone reached in June this year.
Digital Economy - ‘Pacific Trade Online’
PTI China this year launched a brand-new online platform called "Pacific Trade Online.” The platform is a digital showcase of FIC's export brands and investment projects now easily accessible by Chinese buyers, consumers and investors via China's largest digital platform WeChat. Chinese consumers will no longer have access issues to exporter websites, channels or language barriers once an exporter is registered.
As part of a series of webinar training, we cooperated with PNG'S Investment Promotional Authority to deliver an online training for 30+ PNG exporters to help them list and promote their brands on the platform with the support of our software developer United Media Solutions and our export and marketing team.
In-market Support
China's growing appetite for coffee has made it an attractive market for international coffee producers and exporters. Not limited to coffee beans from China's domestic growing regions, boutique coffee beans from premium international origins are also becoming consumers' preferred choice. PTI China launched a market support program aimed at supporting PNG'S coffee industry on an exploratory mission to the Chinese coffee market, to gain market insights and build a network of buyers to ensure buyer confidence and business sustainability. The PNG coffee export enterprise collaborated with Chinese coffee farmers, exporters and processors, drawing on the advanced experience of coffee roasters and buyers while identifying supply sources of quality coffee machines for wet and dry mills, to build on capacity. PTI China provided in-market support with this coffee mission.
We are now actively working closely with some of PNG's special economic zone projects and are exploring the investment opportunities in this space as the growth of PNG’s investment is forecasted to grow.
Basically what does China need from PNG in trade?
Mato: The market access approval for PNG aquatic and fisheries products now positions PNG well into Asia's lucrative seafood market and it sets the standard for other valued products. China's coffee culture also continues to thrive and PTI China remains at the forefront in promoting the flavours of PNG's coffees to ensure that we remain an integral part of this exciting and evolving market.
Our role at PTI China is to continue to look for these high value market opportunities. However, it is important that once we establish these buyer interests, that there is consistency of supply and to ensure the product is of high quality. Relationships are important in Chinese and that partnership for long term and sustain able prosperity is key in building this relationship. We put a lot of energy in the showcase of Pacific Island products across China at key trade events and exhibitions. Through such professional exhibitions and media exposure, it would be beneficial if PNG businesses/exporters took the opportunity to visit China and engage closely with their partners, so that the exporters can have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the needs of the Chinese market, so as to adjust their product specs to meet market demands and consumer needs.
What are some of the lessons PNG can learn from China in trade, business or other aspects?
Mato: China is a huge and complex market and it is important that exporters understand that it is not just about being export-ready. but China-ready!
China has specific regulations and standards for product quality. safety, certification, specific labelling and packaging standards.
Having a good understanding of Chinese traditional culture in your export business is also important as some products will often require changes to adapt to China's unique market and consumer preferences. Ultimately have an export strategy specifically for China in order to meet market access, import regulations and standards.
China has specific regulations and standards for product quality safety, certification, specific labelling and packaging standards. In addition to being export-ready, Pacific exporters must also be China-ready.
These means PNG exporters must have a good understanding of Chinese business culture and ultimately have an export strategy specifically for China in order to meet market access, import regulations and standards. Strong relationships and trust are at the forefront of Chinese businesses.
Final remarks
Mato: We at PTI China would like to acknowledge and thank the Chamber of Mines and Petroleum for the opportunity to attend the conference and provide support.
The conference provided us with an appreciation of the reforms by government to promote and grow investment opportunities in PNG. We will continue to support the work of the Chamber from the market end along with the existing partnerships we have with PNG'S IPA, Ministry of International Trade and Investment, and of course our PNG exporters to China.